
Bulletin: PRIME 12-port Commverter software

Posted by Gasboy on Mar 31, 2020 1:39:18 PM

An updated Service Bulletin has been released to ASC's in relation to a potential identified issue- SB 3090 is available in the Gilbarco Extranet under Technical Resources.

Potential issue: fuel pumps not going through reset after authorization from the PRIME system controller.  This causes communication failure with Gilbarco pumps.


Remedy: Located on the Gasboy FTP are informational files and updated software-
Current Versions/Prime/12 PORT COMM/3_27_2020_Latest_Release_USE_THIS – is four folders required to upgrade the Prime 12 port commverter.

Folder names are labeled in numerical order required for proper installation. The folder numbers begin with 1, 2, 3, and 4 and are listed below for reference.
  • 01_nWGT_08_03_00_Interim
  • 02_BootLoader_03_02_01
  • 03_nWGT_08_04_04
  • 04_Oric Pump interface_1.01.14
    A video also resides in the folder that shows the order to install when upgrading 12 port commverter boards. It can be found in the folder labeled  3_27_2020_Latest_Release_USE_THIS.

    For Gilbarco pumps only – There has been a recent hardware change on the Current Loop blade (M15778B003) used for communicating to Gilbarco Pumps. Gasboy will provide an update when the new Current loop blades are in stock and ready for order.

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