
Schedule TAC Help with Gasboy

Posted by Gasboy on Aug 6, 2019 8:10:36 AM

Upcoming Gasboy Service Work?

Did you know technicians can request a scheduled appointment for a large Gasboy technical task? 

On occasion the Gasboy TAC team receives requests which may take several hours to complete.  These requests include such things as migrating the Fleet Head Office (FHO) application or SQL Database from one PC/Server to another, converting a physical FHO Hasp Key to a FHO software product key, help upgrading SiteOmat, BSP, or FHO software along with other requests that require preparation such as performing appropriate backups and making sure the required resources are available to complete the task.

To help better serve our customers on these type of requests, we recommend contacting the Technical Support Assistance Center with an email for your service schedule needs in advance so that we can schedule an agent dedicated to you during that time.

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