
Update: Gasboy Training Video Library

Posted by Gasboy on Sep 9, 2020 8:59:39 AM

In an effort to help our Authorized Service Contractors improve and sustain their Gasboy product knowledge, we have worked with the Gilbarco Technical Training Center to create a Gasboy Training Video Library.

The library has videos related to:

  • Fleet Head Office Software (FHO)
  • EKOS Cloud hosted Software
  • Prime Systems
  • Plus Systems
  • Fuel Point PLUS
  • Atlas Dispenser/Pumps

Any Certified Technician can log into the Saba Learning Center and register to view any of current videos.  Select the specific library option you are interested in and select LaunchSee the picture below.

Gasboy Library

You can then play the video and pause as needed.  The videos are designed to walk the technician through tasks they may encounter while on site. 

Library launch


We feel the Gasboy Training Video Library will be an added benefit to supplement the current MDE documents and provide specific content that a technician can reference when servicing Gasboy systems.

The Gasboy Video Library is a fairly new service tool, and the Gasboy Service team is continuing to add new items to the library as quickly as possible. We are interested to know what topics or content our ASC’s are interested in seeing. If you would like to submit your idea, please forward them to mark.miller@gasboy.com.


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